Saturday, April 30, 2011

Life Coaching Goals - - They compelling training to be a life coach?

I ask you a question. As you are thinking about a life coach training, some of your goals associated with writing?

I know. That may seem a little silly. But much research and planning phase to the holding of training for a life coach, that you forget about why you want to be simple.

I'll admit it. I have a life coach was training 10 years ago, I did not think much about it as I could. Honestly, I think it has helped me even more motivated and focused is to stay!

So, I want to you to plant that seed now. As you get to a life coach, let's be clear on goals is getting ready to train. And not only ... But to force us to those goals! Now, you may be saying, "We're talking about your goals ... how they can not be forced?" And maybe you already are.

But as I work with groups and people on the coach as I but ... And admits ... When I list my own goals ... That are not compelling to the first draft does not.

And if goals are not forced to ... Then they kind of thing that we achievement, creativity and strange calm are not motivated to new levels of success.

Is not it?

I mean, if our goal so compelling to our list of our magazine is to return or are caught in a pile are not ... Is found to be only months or years later. And sadly, goal-setting session is just wasted time.

At compelling me concrete goals that you are being forced to give some examples of the lack of ...

Perhaps you are thinking about training to become a life coach you hate people transition out of careers they can help. So, you write down, "this year, I change careers to help 10 new clients want to get paid."

It's good. It's obvious. It is brief. But it is not binding.

Or maybe you're a life coach can help you to start new business efforts to train women want. So, you can write down a goal "this year, I help new businesses or product launch to 8 women want."

Then ... Good. This is big. It's good. But this binding? Hmmmm.

How about those of you who have a life coach you can help people more productive and are training to be effective in their work. You can write down a goal like ... "This year I help people 40 to 20 hours or less to their workweek from 55 + down to take hours and still be productive as that!"

It's good. It gets the juices flowing. However, it is compelling enough to get you jump out of bed in the morning? I do not know.

How is it?

Let's put on a compelling twist. Let people who may be affected by your goals for 2011 is to think about. More ... Let's get there way we want to think about.

If you career transition, then what if you wrote down on the coach people want, "I want to coach at least 10 people who are hungry for something more satisfying in life, and they help me need to achieve more in life they were created to live! "

This compelling goal can help you you need new customers to see!

"This year I want to help women at least 8 products or services that can change their world and they will learn more about helping to start: a life or individual training business, what if you wrote down to help coach women rock star they were created in a way I'm going to do this for other women who have an inspiring story that one day Research has found! "

Do you feel the difference? (OK "rock star", but my vocabulary might help to take some of your language more compelling for you to!)

Lastly, how about those of you who have a life coach you with their productivity and efficiency can help people are training? What if you wrote down a goal like: "This year I want to help more people 20 or more productive so that it blows them away and for those around them a raging curiosity that I wanted a way for what! so a month to make a simple but powerful productivity tool!

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