Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Omega 3 fish oil is not the whole story is about

Fish Oil miraculous solution to all your essential fatty acids (Efc) requirements can not be

How to fish a "miracle" food became known as

Supplementation with fish oil has been extremely popular, because discovery researchers, many years ago, that certain groups of people, especially those who follow a Mediterranean diet, the people are healthier than those who do not. Assumption was that their food, which a lot of fish (can be up to three times a week) contained them stay healthy longer was able to help.

There to fish, where it is shown that eating fish to prevent a second heart attack, people who already had a visit is helpful in supporting the health benefits have been researched. That fish is seen as having some protective benefits.

However, people also Mediterranean vegetables, fruits, olive oil and generous servings of whole grain consumption in your diet, the fish is only part of what they eat, and generally preferred for dairy products and meat served in .

A very important that your health, that much research as being important at the time did not factor that these people also very community focused. Their mealtimes are very social, and today we know that being involved in their community and family members and friends enjoying their food is good for both your physical and mental health.

Although fish oil supplement manufacturers focused on health and the link between fish consumption because it was a simple marketing message.

Fat in your diet is important

The second most abundant body fat mixed with water to be number one. Saturated fat and carbohydrates your body can monounsaturated. On the other hand, oil and fats, also Omega 3 and Omega 6 polyunsaturated fats called life, which means that they are receiving in your diet, as your body can not make them are required. If you do not get them into your diet you will decrease them. Interestingly, the human brain has a lot of these omega fats, about 20% of the brain with being fat made from these unique needs.

Fish Oil Omega 3 ≠

Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, which is very important to a number of functions performed in the human body to have a family. For many of Omega 3 fish oil as having come to think, but it is not the whole story. Omega-3 essential fatty acids (Efc) family a number of different fats, DHA and EPA which includes very well known. Fish oil contains DHA and EPA, but to plant-based omega-3 fish oil as fat other foundation, which is not necessary for the human body is different.

A little more scientific detail behind the fish oil story

One of the reasons for confusion about omega 3 fish oil supplementation is plant-based omega-3 supplementation is better than the fish oil omega-3 fats, EPA and DHA include plant based derivatives. A derivative of the original item or a complex product. However, this does not mean that a derivative is unimportant. It is important to distinguish them from other origin for the campus, is served. Similarly, core, or foundation compounds, plant-based omega-3 fats, are also important for health because they also have very important functions performed in all our cell membranes, as well as our cells, organs and tissues. So, we both foundations, plant-based omega-3 fats and derivatives, EPA and DHA needs.

DHA and EPA can only be found in fish?

People believe that omega-3 derivatives, EPA and DHA, only cold water fish and fish oil supplements are receiving has led. It is not true. They also are found in some forms of algae. Also, most people are able to convert plant-based omega-3 DHA and EPA is enough if they have enough to plant-based, foundation Omega 3 and the co-factors, which are simply called vitamin B3, B6, C and minerals zinc and magnesium, which help the body into EPA and DHA omega-3 converted to plant-based. So, your body is based omega-3 fats, which already exist in cold water fish can plant derivatives. The conversion of a small percentage of people do it very slowly, and his diet of DHA and EPA may benefit from adding an algae source. (This topic is discussed in more detail further on in this article.)

Interestingly, any EPA and DHA found in fish had its origin from a plant. When a small fish eat algae, and is then eaten by larger fish, big fish all the way up as the big fish in the DHA and EPA because of the food chain down the fish ate the algae. Yes, algae where DHA and EPA source. Salmon, mackerel and salmon, sardines and tuna to a lesser extent, as cold water fish, DHA and EPA because they are rich sources of fish are carnivores and small (vegetarian) fish that eat algae have to eat.

Many people also believe that EPA and DHA omega-3 is important needs only lead they have been. Also wrong. You have a lot of fat foundation that plant-based omega-3 fats do (and omega-6 fats) are needed to better keep healthy. Only consuming DHA and EPA will not lead to long-term health. They are important parts of omega-3 family, but they are not the whole family.

Fish vs plant-based omega-3 clinical trial is

When the researchers looked at health studies of the Mediterranean, he saw people who regularly eat fish, three times a week, were less likely to suffer from heart disease. The study that some health benefits of eating fish from the heart led to a number of pointers. However, an amazing fact emerged - one that they were not expecting.

These two tests have indicated that eating fish or taking a fish oil supplement to reduce the chance of a second heart attack was. However, another test has indicated that consuming a plant-based omega-3 fish oil supplements that reduce the risk of another heart attack at least twice! The mortality rate was a 70% reduction. Added to this result coronary 'events' is a significant reduction in these protective effects were quick to make myself clear. Four years after the assessment, patients still benefit if they were following the diet was.

So Omega 3, plant-based and high-risk cardiac patients were effective in reducing the risk of death. Plant omega-3 too painful, not to reduce the number of fatal heart attacks, and there take the plant omega-3 long-term survival benefits are, while there were not enough fish oils.

What should I supplement with? A fish oil capsule or plant-based omega-3?

As already discussed, the better your body can not function without the right kinds of fats are. But you also need the right fat more than you may have been led to believe. These fats are actually the foundation of your health, and the foundation called fat.

If you only consume a fish oil supplement, you supply your body with a maximum of 3 are - fat, 5 mg, about 2.5% of your calories you are eating 2000 calories a day. You actually over 15% of your calories, but at least 60% must be made up of fat! Your ideal intake will depend on your level of activity. 10% of their calories as fat food, is not enough, and dry skin, low energy levels, and ultimately will result in ill health.

If you have a fish oil supplement as 15% of your fat calories were consumed, you the consumer 33 grams, or 2 tablespoons need. So fish oil due to bleeding problems, as well as of DHA due to extreme sensitivity to oxidation damage can increase inflammation. This is because omega-3 fats only essential omega-6 fat with someone, are included. So, you need fish oil alone can do more.

In addition, omega-3 fats not only your body, which is what fish oil does not need to. Your body also needs undamaged omega-6 fats, because these two together requires omega fats, essential fatty acids in your body (Efc) to maintain balance.

Therefore, your body fat than a fish oil supplement can provide, you need to remain healthy. You will eventually suffer from a lack fat you will consume only fish oil supplement. So, if you choose to take a fish oil supplement, you also another plant-based omega 3 and omega-6 with the need to supplement blend, or you balanced essential fats, which fats are the foundation of health will not be enough to. (If you know more about the 'why do not we both omega 3 and omega-6? Have "want to click on the link.)

Some myths about fish oil versus plant-based omega-3

Fish oil producers in Omega 3's for a very long time about two myths have been perpetuated:

1. They can not we have enough derivatives
2. They say that we fight to the conversion of plant-based omega-3 DHA and EPA derivatives for

Gene controlling the conversion of plant based Omega-3 DHA and EPA is. Some people early this conversion, while others do it more slowly. If you can not change at all, and ate a cold water fish, you die, as EPA and DHA are important for vital functions in the body and mind want.

In response to the first myth, if we have enough raw material, that is, plant-based omega-3, we can create enough of DHA and EPA. But we need enough of the ground, and many people have sufficient these plant-based omega-3 do not consume.

In response to the second myth, only a small group of people, conversion very slowly, and the people who populated the west coast of North America as Native descent who lived with cold water shorelines, are are a group of Welsh, Irish, Inuit, Oriental, Norwegian, Swedish and Danish people. Your body 'forget' how to do the conversion quickly, because they ate too much cold water fish and conversion as they had to do regularly. It is estimated that a small percentage of the general population, probably less than 2% and certainly less than 10%. These people take algae-based DHA and EPA Omega 3 supplement in addition to plant-based, can benefit.

Perhaps you are getting more than you bargained for in your fish oil supplement

There is something that fish oil manufacturers will not tell you about. Fish oil products on the market today, most of the fat molecules are damaged. The damage caused by processing the fish oil for heavy metals, dioxins have to go in trying to remove, is wrong with the PCB after taste.

Only high temperature toxins that are present today in some of our fish to be removed, the fish oil molecules heat, which they do not like at all in touch. In fact, they should not only be the heat because they have been damaged.

Unfortunately, the high temperature after the detrimental performance, many fish oil is still the most harmful environmental toxins, which would mean that you're ingesting them unknowingly prevent detectable level of some of the supplements.

Moreover, the high temperatures that the fish exposed to oil, it also damaged fat molecules to produce, and the fat fish oil supplements on the market today are some of the types of molecules present in most is a list of:

Trans Fat
Fragmented and cyclised molecules
And triglycerides across the cross-linked molecules
Double bond molecules move
Polymerized Dimerized, and Trimerized molecules

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