Thursday, April 14, 2011

Do you know your pasta?

When you walk down the aisle in the market how do you choose pasta, pasta which to buy and use what for what purpose? There flat pastas, round pastas, pastas and pastas are twisted hollow. That there pasta (Italian orzo) rice and pasta that Gnocchi (potato dumplings) are made to look like looks like. There are tubes and then there's shells and pasta is made in that size is appropriate for the season.

Your pasta with tomato sauce you want to serve, Alfredo (cream sauce) Sauce, Primavera (grilled spring vegetables with light? Stuffed pasta you want and if so, what you do with the stuff you Pasta is made from the want? semolina, flour, gluten free, such as simple or corn or pasta, rice? squid ink pasta you, spinach pasta or tomato pasta or just plain pasta? more you learn about the pasta, and There is more to know more can you want to get distracted.

The best quality pasta (hard durum wheat), semolina and eggs thrown in. Maybe a little salt and some olive price of 10 dollars a pound or more than a dollar a pound of pasta and range are all ways with oil is used for hand-made pasta. Before we get too crazy here and spin your mind with all pastas are available, let's just get down to basics and most commonly used to explain differences between pastas, and how they normally use sauce is the type that go well with them.

We flat out pastas that lasagna, linguini, fettuccini and will start with papparadelle involved. Lasagna noodles dried, usually about 2-3 "wide and the boxes can be purchased either raw or imported domestic lasagna noodles than people living precooked;. But a better quality imported most of the people you usually buy the latest. pasta from their local Italian deli of lasagna can be used for a Bolognese Lasagna can be as a layered casserole (meat) sliced ​​or melted cheese to the more traditional with sauce. be bus service. lasagna with marinara sauce for a different (tomato) Bolognese can to, mushrooms vegetarian or seafood. There is usually a layer of pasta, ricotta cheese, sauce a layer and will have a layer of a layer of mozzarella. Sometimes pasta and cheese sauce is layered without serving time is added to the sauce.

Flat linguini pasta is narrowest, linguini long narrow "(detailed) pasta sauce that can be served with any number of a favorite linguini served with a white wine sauce or a spicy red sauce or clams .. the next size which is usually a fettuccini Alfredo (cream or bchamel) butter sauce, made with heavy cream and melted cheese served with it perfectly delicious, easy and simple to make and not the to look. loaded with calories. my cholesterol!

Besides lasagna, papparadelle about an inch in width are detailed. Papparadelle The sauce can be served with any type. Papparadelle vegetables as they go, especially with Primavera vegetables provide a good contrast and sufficient enough to provide vegetables are contrasting texture and flavor.

Perhaps the most commonly used in the United States is spaghetti pasta. Spaghetti with, there are different depending on the choice of different widths which are generally individuals are selected. There the angel hair pastas or to cook for the thinnest and the most difficult. Overcooking angel hair to turn pulp and very difficult if not impossible to handle will. In the past, when the spaghetti is mentioned, it was usually served with meatballs. Cooking With the advent of revolution, is spaghetti and served many different ways, again depending on the taste of the persons involved.

Hollow tubular or some elbow pastas (spaghetti or macaroni salad, macaroni and cheese most often used for elbow macaroni. Generally comes in two sizes. Large size and small size is great for casseroles or as good minestrone are used in vegetable soup. large width tubular pastas ziti which again many shapes, Penne rigatoni, and comes in cannelloni Cannelloni usually about 3 inches long and served to fill a thing or a marinara or meat stuffed with meat sauce topped with ..

Twisted pastas Fusilli, Bucati, Gemeli, Rotelli (wagon wheels) are included. Twisted pastas are good for heavy sauces. For their size with smooth thin pastas, will help to keep the sauce, heavy sauce, just off the plate will be moved back. Fusilli pasta salads are good for any seafood. Twisted pastas to salads to taste, it is best just after the toss pasta with dressing draining. If you do this while they are still warm pasta will absorb the dressing and taste better. In addition to pastas twisted shells which come in many sizes. Shells with the big cheese or meat are great for stuffing. They marinara, Bolognese sauce or with seafood can be served. Stuffed shells can also be arranged in a casserole, sauce and mozzarella cheese and then baked covered with something. Dish is also great for this type of forward, freeze and cook when needed. Cook a frozen pasta casserole, place the whole thing while still frozen in a cold oven. Once the casserole in the oven, then preheat the oven to 350 degrees you can turn and cook it. While the casserole to a salad or other dish to go with it is cooking can prepare. To cook frozen casserole usually kept in a cold oven will take about an hour. A frozen casserole in a hot oven is the place! If it is ceramic or glass to break it most likely even if it is not over and will cook before the inside part of the casserole is heated through the sides will be dried out.

When cooking pasta, salty water at least 3-4 quarts (depending on how much pasta to be cooked) with a large pot use. Before adding the pasta water should be brought to a full boil. One to two tablespoons of salt to water should be added. It can only add flavor to the pasta but the pasta to cook at a fast rate allows the heat will increase the water will not help. Most manufacturers package will put the recommended cooking time. Pasta always 'al dente' which literally means the teeth should be cooked. You should be able to easily cut pasta, it will be hard or dry, nor should it be emotional. If using pasta casseroles or lasagna, the pasta cooking can be a bit more will take place in the oven undercooked and the sauce and pasta will be absorbed by the soft help.

Fresh pastas dried pastas should be cooked in the same manner as, but cooking time will be much less. Fresh pasta usually cooks in a minute or two. Always test by taking a piece of pasta, the cold water and tasting it sure that the way you like it to be running down.

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